"That's heavy duty," I said sharing his disgust but not allowing the emotion to reflect in my face.
....and I got to thinking, wouldn't it be a great scene in a movie, but it would have to be a Manga movie... and then I thought wouldn't it be a great idea to write a book in the style of a Manga Movie - it would be the world's first Manga Novel and it would be called:
The main characters would be:
Cameron Pride
the reclusive and immensely no hang on, obscenely wealthy Allardyce family
The entire Huf -Puf Tribe
Dave Droosbah the multi media host of the most succesful Virtual Reality show
"Sounds great!" said Fraser.
We could have giant spaceships, incredible biological experiments, really weird stuff about aliens
and of course we would need a mad robot- no better still a super intelligent computer whose program was sent to earth millions of years ago by well, I guess super-intellegent aliens.
So that was another Character and he was called:
The Elephant.
Oh and wait a minute - there would have to be a little genius kid like a funnier version of one of those kids in the Midwich Cuckoos (you know - Village of the Damned) he would have two names, no he would have two initials and his mother would be a drunk, no instead she would be sad 'cos she had lost out in love - twice. BJ could have a little sister called biscuits who he would do stuff to protect her and get money and he would build a giant super computer in his bed room
"What was the kids name?" asked Fraser.
"No," he said looking irritated, "the other one, Biscuits is quite a good name."
"He's called BJ and he's got loads of Degrees from all the university course he has done - in his spare time and he's only 12 years old"
"So he's called BJ,"said Fraser deliberately interrupting my stream of consciousness babble. "so that stands for ... Blow Job!" Fraser reeled back and looked like a German Shepherd dog as he laughed at his own joke.
"And you know what," I continued, simply ignoring him "we'll publish it on the internet..."
Cameron Pride
the reclusive and immensely no hang on, obscenely wealthy Allardyce family
The entire Huf -Puf Tribe
Dave Droosbah the multi media host of the most succesful Virtual Reality show
"Sounds great!" said Fraser.
We could have giant spaceships, incredible biological experiments, really weird stuff about aliens
and of course we would need a mad robot- no better still a super intelligent computer whose program was sent to earth millions of years ago by well, I guess super-intellegent aliens.
So that was another Character and he was called:
The Elephant.
Oh and wait a minute - there would have to be a little genius kid like a funnier version of one of those kids in the Midwich Cuckoos (you know - Village of the Damned) he would have two names, no he would have two initials and his mother would be a drunk, no instead she would be sad 'cos she had lost out in love - twice. BJ could have a little sister called biscuits who he would do stuff to protect her and get money and he would build a giant super computer in his bed room
"What was the kids name?" asked Fraser.
"No," he said looking irritated, "the other one, Biscuits is quite a good name."
"He's called BJ and he's got loads of Degrees from all the university course he has done - in his spare time and he's only 12 years old"
"So he's called BJ,"said Fraser deliberately interrupting my stream of consciousness babble. "so that stands for ... Blow Job!" Fraser reeled back and looked like a German Shepherd dog as he laughed at his own joke.
"And you know what," I continued, simply ignoring him "we'll publish it on the internet..."
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